Source code for wxee.xarray

from typing import Any, List, Optional

import xarray as xr

class DatasetAccessor:
    def __init__(self, obj: xr.Dataset):
        self._obj = obj

[docs] def rgb( self, bands: Optional[List[str]] = None, stretch: float = 1.0, interactive: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: """Generate an RGB color composite plot of the Dataset. Parameters ---------- bands : List[str], optional A list of 3 data variable names to use as the red, green, and blue channels. If none is provided, the first three data variables will be used in order. stretch : float, default 1.0 A percentile stretch to apply to pixel values, between 0.0 and 1.0. interactive : bool, default False If False, a static plot is returned, faceted over the time dimension. If True, an interactive plot is returned over the time dimension. interactive plots require the `hvplot` library to be installed independently. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to the plotting function. For static plots, arguments are passed to :code:`xarray.Dataset.plot.imshow`. For interactive plots, arguments are passed to :code:`xarray.Dataset.hvplot.rgb`. Returns ------- Union[xarray.plot.facetgrid.FacetGrid, HoloViews object] The RGB plot, either static or interactive. Raises ------ ValueError If an incorrect number of bands are found, whether explicitly passed through the `bands` argument or implicitly identified from the data variables. ImportError If the `interactive` argument is True and the `hvplot` package is not installed. Examples -------- Download one month of Sentinel-2 imagery over a point. >>> pt = ee.Geometry.Point([5.40432,44.11541]) >>> ts = wxee.TimeSeries("COPERNICUS/S2_SR") >>> ts = ts.filterDate("2020-07", "2020-08").filterBounds(pt) >>> ds = ts.wx.to_xarray(region=pt.buffer(1000), scale=20) Generate a static plot of the images as a true color composite. The col_wrap argument will be passed to the plotting function. >>> ds.wx.rgb(bands=["B4", "B3", "B2"], stretch=0.85, col_wrap=4) Generate an interactive plot using a near-infrared false color composite. The aspect argument will be passed to the plotting function. >>> ds.wx.rgb(bands=["B8", "B4", "B3"], stretch=0.85, interactive=True, aspect=1.2) """ if bands is not None: if len(bands) != 3: raise ValueError("Bands must be a list with exactly 3 names.") else: bands = list(self._obj.var())[:3] # type: ignore # Raise a different error if the bands were identified implicitly to avoid confusion if len(bands) != 3: # type: ignore raise ValueError( "The Dataset must contain at least 3 data variables for RGB plotting." ) da = self._obj[bands].to_array(name="rgb") da = da.wx.normalize(stretch) if interactive: try: import hvplot.xarray # type: ignore # noqa F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "The `hvplot` package is required for interactive plots. Run `pip install hvplot`." ) from None default_kwargs = { "groupby": "time", "widget_location": "bottom", "widget_type": "scrubber", } return da.hvplot.rgb( x="x", y="y", bands="variable", **{**default_kwargs, **kwargs} ) default_kwargs = {"col": "time"} return da.plot.imshow(**{**default_kwargs, **kwargs})
@xr.register_dataarray_accessor("wx") class DataArrayAccessor: def __init__(self, obj: xr.DataArray): self._obj = obj
[docs] def normalize(self, stretch: float = 1.0) -> xr.DataArray: """Normalize a Dataset's values between 0 and 1. Parameters ---------- stretch : float, default 1.0 A percentile stretch to apply before normalization between 0.0 and 0.1. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray The dataset with normalized values. Raises ------ ValueError If the stretch value is outside the valid range. """ da = self._obj if stretch < 0 or stretch > 1: raise ValueError("Stretch value must be in the range [0.0, 1.0].") min_val = da.quantile(1 - stretch) max_val = da.quantile(stretch) return ((da - min_val) / (max_val - min_val)).clip(0, 1)