Source code for wxee.utils

import contextlib
import datetime
import itertools
import os
import tempfile
import warnings
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Union
from zipfile import ZipFile

import ee  # type: ignore
import joblib  # type: ignore
import rasterio  # type: ignore
import requests
import rioxarray  # type: ignore
import xarray as xr
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from import tqdm  # type: ignore
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry

[docs]def Initialize(**kwargs: Any) -> None: """Initialize Earth Engine using the high-volume endpoint designed for automated requests. Parameters ---------- kwargs : Any Additional keyword arguments passed to ee.Initialize(). """ ee.Initialize(opt_url="", **kwargs)
def _set_nodata(file: str, nodata: Union[float, int]) -> None: """Set the nodata value in the metadata of an image file. Parameters ---------- file : str The path to the raster file to set. nodata : Union[float, int] The value to set as nodata. """ with, "r+") as img: img.nodata = nodata def _flatten_list(a: List[Any]) -> List[Any]: """Flatten a nested list.""" return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(a)) def _unpack_file(file: str, out_dir: str) -> List[str]: """Unpack a ZIP file to a directory. Parameters ---------- file : str The path to a ZIP file. out_dir : str The path to a directory to unpack files within. Returns ------- List[str] Paths to the unpacked files. """ unzipped = [] with ZipFile(file, "r") as zipped: unzipped += zipped.namelist() zipped.extractall(out_dir) return [os.path.join(out_dir, file) for file in unzipped] def _download_url(url: str, out_dir: str, progress: bool, max_attempts: int) -> str: """Download a file from a URL to a specified directory. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL address of the element to download. out_dir : str The directory path to save the temporary file to. progress : bool If true, a progress bar will be displayed to track download progress. max_attempts : int The maximum number of times to retry a connection. Returns ------- str The path to the downloaded file. """ filename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+b", dir=out_dir, delete=False).name r = _create_retry_session(max_attempts).get(url, stream=True) try: r.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: # Delete the tempfile if it could not be downloaded os.remove(filename) raise e file_size = int(r.headers.get("content-length", 0)) with open(filename, "w+b") as dst, tqdm( total=file_size, unit="iB", unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, desc="Downloading", disable=not progress, ) as bar: for data in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): size = dst.write(data) bar.update(size) return filename def _create_retry_session(max_attempts: int) -> requests.Session: """Create a session with automatic retries. """ session = requests.Session() retry = Retry( total=max_attempts, read=max_attempts, connect=max_attempts, backoff_factor=0.1 ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry) session.mount("http://", adapter) session.mount("https://", adapter) return session def _dataset_from_files(files: List[str], masked: bool, nodata: int) -> xr.Dataset: """Create an xarray.Dataset from a list of raster files.""" das = [_dataarray_from_file(file, masked, nodata) for file in files] try: # Allow conflicting values if one is null, take the non-null value merged = xr.merge(das, compat="no_conflicts") except xr.core.merge.MergeError: # If non-null conflicting values occur, take the first value and warn the user merged = xr.merge(das, compat="override") warnings.warn( "Different non-null values were encountered for the same variable at the same time coordinate. The first value was taken." ) return merged def _dataarray_from_file(file: str, masked: bool, nodata: int) -> xr.DataArray: """Create an xarray.DataArray from a single file by parsing datetimes and variables from the file name. The file name must follow the format "{dimension}.{coordinate}.{variable}.{extension}". """ with rioxarray.open_rasterio(file) as da: # Load fully into memory rather than reading lazily from disk. This is needed to allow reading from tempfiles # that will be deleted after the function returns. See and # da.load() dim, coord, var = _parse_filename(file) da = da.expand_dims({dim: [coord]}).rename(var).squeeze("band").drop_vars("band") # Mask the nodata values. This will convert int datasets to float. if masked: da = da.where(da != nodata) return da def _parse_filename(file: str) -> Tuple[str, Union[str, int, datetime.datetime], str]: """Parse the dimension, coordinate, and variable from a filename following the format {id}.{dimension}.{coordinate}.{variable}.{extension}. Return as a tuple. """ coord: Union[str, int, datetime.datetime] basename = os.path.basename(file) dim, coord_name, variable = basename.split(".")[1:4] if dim == "time": coord = _parse_time(coord_name) else: coord = int(coord_name) return (dim, coord, variable) def _parse_time(time: str) -> Union[datetime.datetime, str]: """Parse a time string as it is exported from Earth Engine and return as a datetime. If the time cannot be parsed, it is returned as a string. """ try: return datetime.datetime.strptime(time, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") except ValueError: warnings.warn( f"The time coordinate '{time}' could not be parsed into a valid datetime. Setting as raw value instead." ) return time def _millis_to_datetime(millis: str) -> datetime.datetime: """Convert a timestamp in UTC milliseconds (e.g. from Earth Engine) to a datetime object.""" return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(millis) / 1000.0) def _replace_if_null(val: Union[ee.String, ee.Number], replacement: Any) -> Any: """Take an Earth Engine object and return either the original non-null object or the given replacement if it is null.""" return ee.Algorithms.If(val, val, replacement) def _format_date(d: ee.Date) -> ee.String: """Format a date using a consistent pattern.""" return ee.Date(d).format("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss") @contextlib.contextmanager def parallel_tqdm(tqdm_object: tqdm) -> tqdm: """Context manager to patch joblib to report into tqdm progress bar given as argument Reference --------- Example ------- >>> with Parallel(n_jobs=-1) as p: >>> with parallel_tqdm(tqdm(desc="Progress", total=10)): >>> urls = p(delayed(f)(x) for x in range(10)) """ class TqdmBatchCompletionCallback(joblib.parallel.BatchCompletionCallBack): def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: tqdm_object.update(n=self.batch_size) return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) old_batch_callback = joblib.parallel.BatchCompletionCallBack joblib.parallel.BatchCompletionCallBack = TqdmBatchCompletionCallback try: yield tqdm_object finally: joblib.parallel.BatchCompletionCallBack = old_batch_callback tqdm_object.close() def _normalize(x: ee.Number, minx: ee.Number, maxx: ee.Number) -> ee.Number: return ee.Number(x).subtract(minx).divide(ee.Number(maxx).subtract(minx))